Wednesday, February 3rd 6:00pm to 7:30pm
- Explore required courses, special programs, extracurricular activities, and meet some staff.
- Students and their families should attend one of the Welcome Sessions to obtain their registration sheets and hear valuable information about the registration process.
- The event is drop-in style – but be sure to attend one of the Welcome Sessions.
- If you will be attending Brighton High School Next Year – this event is for you.
- If you are the parent of a student who will be attending Brighton High School next year, this event is for you.
- Great Success in High School means planning properly. This planning begins now.
Welcome Sessions in the High School Auditorium. Pick up registration sheets at Welcome Sessions. Please select one session to attend!
- Welcome Session #1 6:00 PM
- Welcome Session #2 6:30 PM
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Visit with teachers, coaches and activity sponsors