As the new school year approaches please note the schedule for Back to School nights. We sent those dates and times were sent to you by mail. You will find a copy of the letter attached to this email. Back to School night for Preschool/Kindergarten is scheduled for this Thursday, August 11. The Back to School night for grades 1-8 is scheduled for Monday, August 15. Please be sure to attend as important classroom information is shared at these meetings.
Please note below are few other items to be aware of going into the new school year:
All students who are not picked up by 3:15 pm each day will be sent to daycare and charged accordingly. If a student is attending a before or after school program (band, Science Matters, and sports) any of their siblings not picked up by 3:15 pm will be sent to daycare and charged accordingly. Once the 8:00 am bell rings all parents/visitors must exit the building. Parents/others who are scheduled to volunteer must check in at the front office prior to volunteering. We do not allow parents/visitors to simply hang out on campus during school hours. (8am-3pm) Following these policies ensures that Zion is able to provide a safe, secure place for our students and staff.
We have also updated our lunch prices for the 2016-2017 school year. Please note the following…
Daycare Lunches — $3.55
Grades K-4 — $3.90
Grades 5-8 — $4.15
Lunch Seconds — $1.25
Extra Milk — $0.50
The increased amount per category from the 2015-2016 school year pricing is $0.05.
We are excited to begin a new school year, and look forward to working with you to give your child(ren) the best experience possible here at Zion!