Posted by & filed under Zion Lutheran School.

The 7th Annual Auction Fundraiser Boots Buckles & Bling is quickly approaching. Friday, April 28 will be here before we know it! Proceeds from the auction will go towards the gym floor project. So far Zion has raised close to $70,000 of the $100,000 goal! This event could get us to our goal!

Many classrooms have completed their class projects for the auction. Check them out online when you are making your reservations. Visit: www.CharityAuction.BID/ZionAuction2017.

Would you like to have next year’s tuition cost for one child covered for $100? You can, by purchasing a tuition drawing ticket(s) for $100 each for a chance to win! You DO NOT need to be present at the auction to win. Stop by the school office or register online to get the tickets.

The auction committee is looking for new merchandise or services that can be sold in the silent or live portion of our auction. Please plan on having your donations dropped off in the school office by Wednesday, April 26. Questions may be directed to

There will be a contest again this year for best “Getup” for both men and women! Brush off your boots, buckles and get your bling on!

If you haven’t been to this event before you don’t want to miss it!