Objectives for Grade 6
By the end of Grade 6, students will be able to:
- Plan for their own personal devotional use of Scripture.
- Determine when and how to apply Law or Gospel in various situations.
- Identify Jesus as the central character of the Bible.
- Recognize that God’s faithful to His covenant people is the unifying theme of all the historical books.
- Identify and appreciate various themes and moods found in the poetry and wisdom literature of the Old Testament books of Job through Ecclesiastes
- Describe the themes found in the prophetic books in terms of Law and Gospel
- Identify the purpose and primary theme of each of the four gospels and Acts.
- Recognize that through His Word God strengths their faith in time of danger and testing.
- Identify the work of the Holy Spirit in inspiring the biblical books and preserving Holy Scripture for them.
- Confess that the Bible is divinely inspired, inerrant, and the infallible Word of God.
- Recognize that Baptism’s power to forgive sins and create faith comes from the Holy Spirit working through the Word of God that accompanies the water.
- Use the power the Holy Spirit offers them through their Baptism daily to put to death their sinful selves and live God-pleasing lives.
- Recognize the real presence of Christ’s body and blood in, with, and under the bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper.
- Confess their faith in the promise of forgiveness, life, and salvation that Jesus gives with His body and blood.
- Explain that God offers all people peace through the forgiveness and salvation that Jesus won on the cross
- Regularly study God’s Word so that their life-preserving faith might be strengthened
- Daily remember their Baptism as they repent of their sin and receive the full assurance of God’s forgiveness.
- Acknowledge that God seeks to redeem all people and values each person as one for whom Christ has died.
- Describe Jesus’ willingness to suffer humiliation, excruciating pain, and death at the hand of earthly rulers in order to earn our forgiveness, life, and salvation.
- Identify key Scripture passages that affirm God’s message of justification by grace through faith.
- Acknowledge God’s Word as the source and norm by which all matters of faith and Christian life should be measured.
- Describe how cultural barriers can separate and hinder the sharing of the Gospel.
- Seek opportunities to share their faith in Christ Jesus.
- Know the order of the books of the Bible.
By the end of Grade 6, students will be able to:
- Read, write, round, compare, order, and use whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers.
- Estimate and find the sum, difference, or product of any two whole numbers or decimals.
- Estimate and find the quotient of a decimal divided by a whole number or by a decimal with two digits.
- Express a number which has repeated factors in exponential form and evaluate expressions written in exponential form.
- Find the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of two or more numbers.
- Estimate and find sums and differences of fractions and mixed numbers.
- Find the products of mixed numbers and fractions.
- Demonstrate the meaning of percent with concrete models and express a given percent as a decimal fraction or decimal and vice versa.
- Use the concepts of ratio, proportion, and percent to solve application problems.
- Express large numbers in scientific notation and rewrite numbers written in scientific notation in regular decimal notation.
- Use a calculator to find a given power of a given number and a given percent of a given number.
- Simplify expressions that include symbols of inclusion.
- Approximate the area of irregular figures by using grids; computer the area of common polygons (triangle, trapezoid, parallelogram, square, and rectangle) by using formulas; and compute the circumference and the area of a circle of a given radius.
- Use formulas to find the volume of a rectangular prism, a cube, a cylinder, a prism, and a pyramid.
- Convert from one unit of measure to another unit of measure within the same measurement system.
- Interpret and use scale drawings.
- Represent situations and number patterns with tables, graphs, verbal rules, and equations.
- Analyze tables and graphs to identify properties and relationships.
- Plot integers on a number line and solve simple linear equations.
- Systematically collect, organize, and summarize data; construct, read, and interpret tables, charts, and graphs; and compute measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) and the range.
- Classify angles, pairs of lines, triangles, quadrilateral, and polygons.
- Identify congruent, similar, or symmetric figures.
- Identify transformations of given figures.
- Build models of three-dimensional figures such as pyramids, cones, or prisms with polygonal bases and determine some of the properties of these solids.
- Use a compass and a straightedge to locate the midpoint of a segment and to construct perpendicular lines, congruent angles, and angle bisectors.
By the end of Grade 6, students will be able to:
- Observe objects through colored filters and find the order present
- Show that all the colors together make white light and use this idea to explain color phenomena.
- Build an adding and subtracting model for color to explain beams and paints respectively, using a basic set of filters (dark red, green, blue, light cyan (blue), yellow, and magenta).
- Discover the laws of reflection for plane mirrors: object distance equals image distance (Do=Di) and angle of incidence equals angle of reflection ( Draw ray diagrams to show the lines of sight and explain why we see what we do in plane mirrors.
- Use the ray diagram to show the lines of sight and explain why we see what we do in plane mirrors.
- Use the ray diagram idea to explain images in convex and concave mirrors. Compare the drawings to observations.
- Explain what chromosomes are and how the chromosomes of sperm and egg cells are different from other cells.
- Describe what happens during and after fertilization.
- Use insect cards or similar to practice using the laws of inheritance as they apply to dominant and recessive characteristics. Distinguish between a hybrid and a mutant.
- Use the cell model to explain the activities of cells (life processes, structure, reproduction).
- Explain the activities of flowering plants (transport, photosynthesis, growth, and development).
- Investigate changes through time (fossils, changes in living things, endangered species, extinct species).
- Observe the behavior of charged objects (static electricity) and discover the laws of charge (the two fluid theory): two kinds, plus and minus, like charges repels, unlike charges attract.
- Use the laws of attraction and repulsion to explain the effects possible with an electroscope. Distinguish conductors from insulators.
- Build simple circuits for current electricity. Distinguish series and parallel circuits. Measure volts, amperes, and resistance with a multi-meter. Calculate energy in kilowatt hours. Use batteries, wires, and bulbs to construct a parallel circuit and a series circuit.
- Describe an electric generator. Tell how magnetism is used to produce electricity. Make an electromagnet.
- Classify and identify minerals according to hardness, cleavage, luster, streak, color, and specific gravity.
- Explain how crystals, minerals, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks are formed.
- Identify and name common rocks such as sandstone, conglomerate, shale, granite, basalt, marble, and coal.
- Explain how the position of rock formations can give clues to history. Compare the methods of dating rocks.
- Explain the everyday observation of the motion of sun, moon, and stars using the heliocentric model.
- Describe a model as the idea used to make sense of the world observed either directly or indirectly. Do a box experiment.
- Compare viruses and bacteria with molds and yeasts.
- Explain photosynthesis.
- Name the structure and functions of the parts of a flowering plan stems, roots, leaves, flowers, etc.
- Explain why we call plants producers and animals consumers.
- Observe and compare plant and animal cells.
- Explain diffusion and osmosis and give examples of each.
- Discuss cell division and mitosis and state what happens to chromosomes during mitosis.
- Explain the behavior of acids and bases.
- Observe and explain light and sound behaviors.
Language Arts
By the end of Grade 6, students will be able to:
- Read and comprehend a variety of materials that might include newspapers, poetry, short stories, plays, novels, and textbooks.
- Appreciate, differential, and understand literary selections representing various genres, including: biography, autobiography, drama, essay, fable, folk tale, legend, myth, narrative nonfiction, parable, novel, short story, and poetry.
- Preview, skim, scan, and formulate questions on new selections.
- Adjust their rate of reading to suit the designated purpose for reading.
- Recognize various literary elements such as setting, plot, character development, and theme.
- Use the setting of a story to determine when and where a story takes place.
- Recognize the plot line of a story, and determine the climax and resolution.
- Use problem-solving skills such as predicting and drawing conclusions.
- Identify cause-and-effect relationships in stories.
- Choose to read books in leisure time which are age appropriate and ability appropriate.
- Recognize, respect, and appreciate the similarities and differences in the literature and languages of a variety of cultures and traditions.
- Demonstrate an understanding of literary terms such as dialect, imagery, metaphor, personification, simile, and onomatopoeia.
- Use the writing process to include rough draft, revision, editing, and final draft.
- Develop well-organized paragraphs that include topic sentence, supportive sentences, and a concluding sentence.
- Meet an acceptable level of proficiency in conventional grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
- Use vocabulary appropriate to audience and purpose.
- Use a variety of writing modes that include but are not limited to narrative, expository, imaginative/creative and persuasive.
- Correctly spell the words they use when they revise their writing.
- Access information from libraries and available technology.
- Use the library card catalog to locate sources and books in a library.
- Take notes and summarize information from sources.
- Organize information to create an outline.
- Write a research paper (report of information) of at least five typed pages.
- Write a correct bibliography of sources (at least three different sources, only one may be an encyclopedia).
- Write friendly and business letters using correct form.
- Write character sketches, comparison/contrast paragraphs, critiques of books and plays, descriptions, dialogue, and a story.
- Write limericks and haiku according to established patterns.
- Recognize subordinate clauses in complex sentences and explore the effectiveness of different placements of these clauses.
- Understand the functions of parts of speech in sentences. Parts of speech include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions.
- Apply conventions of standard written English in writing including capitalization, quotation marks and dialogue, sentence punctuation, comma, semicolon, colon, apostrophe, and paragraph indention.
- Participate comfortably in partner discussions, group discussions, and oral readings.
- Understand strategies used in discussion (contribute ideas, and support contributions).
- Understand and participate in listening for a variety of purposes, including information, entertainment, appreciation of literature and language, and directions.
- Expand his/her reading vocabulary and use appropriate grade-level vocabulary.
- Use context clues for word meaning.
- Use dictionaries effectively for word meaning and spelling.
- Recognize multi-meaning words.
- Expand vocabulary using structural analysis.
- Use etymologies/word origins – find word origins in the dictionary.
- Understand connotations, denotations of words.
- Understand analogies.
- Recognize colloquialisms, idioms, dialect, jargon, and slang.
- Recognize root words, expand vocabulary using structural analysis.
- Understand and use a thesaurus.
- Apply reading strategies to content area reading.
Social Studies
By the end of Grade 6, students will be able to:
- Use source documents in a research project.
- Locate and describe the seven continents.
- Explain how literature and art may express cultural values.
- Describe how history may be explained in various ways be different scholars.
- Interpret the past using valid historical tools.
- Apply historical facts and concepts to current decision making.
- Relate how culture influences daily life.
- Describe how communication and technology affect society.
- Describe how conditions contribute to both conflict and cooperation between nations and cultures.
- Understand how communications and technology affect the nation in a new, more global, world.
- Explain how values and beliefs affect economic decisions.
- Seek ethical solutions to technological and social issues.
- Describe how conflict affects decisions and modern life.
- Recognize differences between political systems in different nations.
- Discuss the power of the media in influencing public opinion.
- Recognize major world landforms (i.e., oceans, rivers).
- Explain how climate influences life in a place.
- Identify functions of the national government.
- Explain the benefit of laws and our legal system.
- Identify how basic needs are met in underdeveloped nations.
- Describe the impact of illustrations and visual information on understanding.
- Review the history of other nations or cultures.
- Evaluate why some cities grow and others do not (i.e., London, Chicago, Kansas City, Mexico City).
- Compare and differentiate between different cultures.
- Create a historical mural of an era or period.
- Distinguish between fact and opinion.
- Make hypotheses based on past events.
- Demonstrate an understanding of map reading regarding place, size, and location.
By the end of Grade 6, students will be able to:
- Art History
- Discuss how artists throughout history have depicted biblical subject matter.
- Refine their skills in describing the characteristics of styles and periods of art.
- Describe and discuss the art of a given set of African American, Native American, and Hispanic artists.
- Show increased skill in using drawing and painting techniques to create compositions, depict space, and communicate feelings.
- Show increased skill in using printmaking techniques to create compositions, depict space, and communicate feelings.
- Describe and give graphic illustration of facial proportions.
- Draw a self-portrait using a soft drawing pencil, drawing paper, and a mirror.
- Develop skills of creative lettering, font design, and calligraphy.
- Develop skill in hand-building with clay to include slab construction, tile-making, and press molds.
- Create a composition in scratchboard.
- Demonstrate an increased ability to construct and model sculptural forms.
- Create a work of art that will synthesize the qualities of a particular style of art (i.e., expressionism, cubism, pointillism, impressionism) and demonstrate an understanding of that style by creating their own original works.
- Create graphic illustrations of the design concepts: rhythm, movement, and positive and negative space.
- Replicate in line, shape, and color a given section or portion of a master work of art.
- Research Christian symbols and use a style of art to reinterpret one or more graphically.
- Create a banner or wall hanging that utilizes a specific design.
- Design a linoleum block print after studying exemplars by master printmakers.
- Create a paper quilt sampler, using the various styles of Early American and contemporary quilts, noting the design, use of color, and division of space.
- Develop social skills and Christian character as they work with others.
- Compare the similarities and differences between two works of art.
- Describe how the elements of art and the principles of design are used in a given work of art to represent ideas, feelings, and moods.
- Demonstrate an increased ability to describe, examine, and analyze works of art.
- Discuss the importance of seeing, thinking, and imagining in art.
- Discuss how art is a reflection of a society’s time and place.
- Consider the meaning and definition of art from a Christian perspective.
- Discuss the function and intent of Christian symbols.
- Understand and appreciate the role of art in everyday life (consumer purchasing, selecting clothing, room decoration/design, landscaping, etc.).
The Creation of Art
Art Criticism
(Text: Holt Music)
Elective: Band
By the end of Grade 6, students will be able to:
- Rhythm
- Work on singing with accurate rhythm.
- Improvise accompaniments for songs on rhythm instruments or tone bells.
- Further discuss time signatures and beta groupings.
- Continue to play complex rhythms on classroom instruments.
- Sing whole, half steps, and octaves in tune.
- For changing voices, continue to use a light voice as they explore their new range.
- Sing alone and in ensemble with expression, good breathing, and good posture evenly throughout the song.
- Know and use terms for very loud (ff-fortissimo), very soft (pp-pianissimo), medium slow (Andante), and very fast (Presto), legato, and staccato.
- Sing increasingly advanced music from hymnals and sheet music, in two-part and three-part harmony.
- Continue on a more complex level with rounds, partner songs, canons and descants.
- Accompany songs on the Autoharp and tone bells using I-IV-V& chords.
- Identify by ear which chords must change in the accompaniment.
- Distinguish between monophonic (one unison line, no accompaniment), homophonic (a melody and accompaniment), and polyphonic (two or more separate melodies weaving independently together) in music. See how musical form based on texture fives structure to music (e.g. chant, fugue, canon, concerto).
- Experience the music and learn about the lives of several major composers, comparing their music.
- Read all whole, half, dotted-half, quarter, eighth notes and rests in 2/3, 3/4, and 4/4 time signatures.
- Know and understand treble clef and bass clef symbols and note names.
- Know and understand slur and phrase markings.
- Sing in church 2-3 times during the school year, and will participate in the Advent program in December and the Spring musical in May.
Physical Education
By the end of Grade 6, students will be able to:
- Acquire Movement Concepts
- Consistently use mature form components when performing rolling, balancing, and transferring weight.
- Consistently use mature form components when batting, striking, volleying, and dribbling.
- Strike objects with longer implements, incorporating distance, accuracy, and flight factors.
- Dribble a ball with control while evading an opponent.
- Consistently volley a ball while in a group setting.
- Pass/throw and catch/receive and object while guarded. Acquire Fundamental Movement Patterns/Skills
- Cooperate in small groups to maintain “team” possession of an object in lead-up games with active opponents.
- Combine locomotor and manipulative skills to move an object toward and into a designated goal.
- Participate in vigorous activity for a sustained period of time while maintaining a target heart rate of 150 beats per minute (25 beats for a 10-second count).
- Monitor recovery from vigorous physical activity (heart rate below 100 bpm after 10 minutes).
- Regularly monitor heart rate during and after activity.
- Participate in games, sports, dance, and outdoor pursuits, both in and outside of school, based on individual interests, skill, and fitness level.
- Correctly demonstrate activities designed to improve and/or maintain muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory function.
- Demonstrate specific relaxation techniques for use during short and long rest periods. Acquire Cognitive Elements Related to Movement Experiences.
- Recognize that time and energy (effort) are prerequisites for skill improvement and fitness benefits.
- Recognize the role of games, sports, and dance in getting to know and understand others of like and different cultures.
- Identify opportunities in the school and community for regular participation in physical activity.
- Identify principles of training and conditioning (“F-I-T-T”) for physical activity.
- Identify proper warm-up, conditioning, and cool-down techniques, and the reasons for using them.
- Identify benefits resulting from participation in different forms of physical activity.
- Detect, analyze, and correct errors in personal movement patters.
- Accept the decisions made by game officials, whether they are students, teachers, or officials outside of school.
- Seek out, participate with, and show respect for persons of similar and different skill levels.
- Choose to exercise outside of school for personal enjoyment and benefit.
- Practice with correct form and technique, even though success with the movement may be inconsistent.
- Demonstrate courtesy, self-control, loyalty, truthfulness, and Christian conduct.
- Recognize the effects of substance abuse on personal health and performance in physical activity.
- Camping, climbing, cross-country and downhill skiing (adapt to local options).
Demonstrate Responsible Personal and Social Attitudes and Behavior for Movement Experiences
Explore basic outdoor recreation activities, such as the following